Project Role:  Structural Engineer

Clients:  City of Alameda

Schedule:  Feasibility Study was completed in 2024

JMEC has been structural consultant to evaluate and perform preliminary engineering for approximately 900 feet long boardwalk in Marina Village. The boardwalk is located east of the Webster and Posey Tubes in Alameda, California. It begins at about 1080 Marina Village Parkway (Building A) and extends east along the Alameda northern shoreline of the Oakland Estuary and ends at 1040 Marina Village Parkway (Building D). The portion of boardwalk adjacent to Building A and Building B (at 1070 Marina Village Parkway) is elevated and it is supported on piles and the shoreline is protected by steel bulkhead. The boardwalk located beyond east of Building B is at-grade and it is protected by concrete retaining walls and rip-raps. The approximate area of the elevated boardwalk is 10,050 SF and the at-grade boardwalk covers an area of about 12,500 SF. The evaluation included checking structural adequacy taking into consideration the condition of existing structure, additional geotechnical investigations, evaluate liquefaction potential and embankment settlement mitigations, structural repair and strengthening alternatives for elevated boardwalk, anti-skid surface treatments, ADA improvements, potential architectural and landscaping improvements, cost for design, construction or capital cost, and construction administration including design and construction and environmental studies and permitting.

Boardwalk design was evaluated per AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for the Design of Pedestrian Bridges; 2nd edition and with 2015 Interim Revisions. Live load for boardwalk was 90 psf and maintenance vehicle load as required by the City's Maintenance Department. California Building Code (CBC) 2019 was used for evaluations and improvements for ADA, Lighting and Railing design.

Corporate Office
165 Lennon Lane, Suite 106, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Tel:  (925) 944-8999      Fax: (925) 944-9998

Copyright © 2024 JMEC Engineering Inc.  All rights reserved.
Elevated Boardwalk
At-grade Boardwalk